Sunday, November 4, 2012

The Pros and Cons of Creative Bioscience HCG Drops

Creative Bioscience HCG Reviews have been swarming the internet lately as these products have really taken off on the weight loss market. This could be due to their easy administration and usage or because they seem to be very efficient at helping people trim their waistlines. Either way, I am here to give you more information on this subject and hopefully help you decide if you want to try this solution for yourself or pass on it.

As stated in other Creative Bioscience HCG Reviews, there are more than one product being manufactured and marketed by this company so to give you a better understanding of each  in particular I've split this review into several parts below so if you are interested in only one of the products, feel free to skip the others. Still, I suggest you read the last two parts of this review, regardless of what product you are interested in because they contain information about the entire HCG diet.

Check out more reviews here.

Now before we take a look at each product individually let me give you some overall information about all of them. First of all let's take a look at the ingredients:

Arginine - an As stated in other reviews, there are more than one product being manufactured and marketed by this company so to give you a better understanding of each  in particular I've split this review into several parts below so if you are interested in only one of the products, feel free to skip the others. Still, I suggest you read the last two parts of this review, regardless of what product you are interested in because they contain information about the entire HCG diet.

  • essential muscle building amino acid, it's used by the body to store excess proteins as muscles, not fat. Aside from this, Arginine also lowers your triglycerides count which aids the weight loss process.
  • Ornithine - this is the key amino acid for maintaining muscle mass. It increases the production of HGH ( Human Growth Hormone ) which is essential in keeping the same muscle mass through longer periods of time when your body is deprived of sufficient calories. This is what makes it such an important ingredient for weight loss.
  • L-Carnitine - You've probably heard about this ingredient before, and for good reasons. It's the best metabolism booster that you can find and it aids the breakdown of stored fat cells, turning them into energy. As if this wasn't enough, it also speeds up the disposal of glucose from your body, giving you even more energy.
These three ingredients have been combined for the first time into a single product over 50 years ago and the results were nothing short of amazing. People have been using this combination for weight loss ever since and its creator, Dr. Simeons has also received a Nobel prize. Now that we know a little bit more about this product, let's talk about all the forms that it comes in.

HCG Zero Liquid

The HCG Zero Liquid is produced following the same guidelines as all the other similar products but with a little twist: it contains no hormones whatsoever. It's composed of all the amino acids mentioned before but it is a more "natural" approach to weight loss, so to say.

Of course, just like all the other products it was clinically tested and approved by the FDA so there is no reason to worry about it causing health issues. It comes in the form of drops which are administered by holding them under your tongue.

HCG Zero Capsules

There are several types of HCG Zero Capsules, each tailored for specific individual needs. Unlike the HCG Drops, the Capsules contain various ingredients, some of them exotic ones, which make them perfect for complementing any type of diet.

A good example are the African Mango ones which contain a rare extract from the tree with the same name that can only be found on Cameroon. Another good example are the Raspberry Ketone ones which can dramatically speed up the breakdown of fat cells due to a special ingredient extracted from raspberries. 

HCG Cleanse

This product was made specifically for people following the HCG1234 Diet. Because this diet spans over several weeks, your body will need to get adjusted with  the sudden changes that you will put it through.

To make the transition a little bit smoother, it is recommended that you take this product 10 days prior to starting the diet. This is essentially a colon cleanser but unlike other well known ones, it doesn't contain any sugars, additives or starches. This means that you can also take it anytime during the HCG diet. It's main ingredients are Ginger Root, Senna Leaf, Psyllium Husk and Rhubarb Root.

HCG 1234

Just so you don't get confused, HCG1234 is the actual name of the famous diet. It contains the four numbers because they represent the steps needed in order to complete the diet:
  • Taking the initial HCG Drops
  • Following the 1200 calorie diet
  • The Stabilization Stage
  • Keeping the results on the long run 
These are all the four steps, the most important one being the second. This is when you will be put to the test and you will only be allowed to eat food prepared according to HCG Recipes. Still, there are many dishes that can be found online so preparing something that you like shouldn't be a problem. Also, you will still be taking the HCG drops through this period so they will aid you in controlling your appetite by reducing your cravings.

Diet Energy

When it comes to daily energy, the HCG Diet or the HCG Products shouldn't be a reason for concern. Creative Bioscience puts a strong emphasis on including energy boosting ingredients into their products.

To convince yourself you only need to look at the three ingredients described in the beginning of this review. After all, it's an award winning combination that was put together 50 years ago and I am pretty sure that the guys handing over Noble prizes have a firm grasp on what they're doing. 

Where to buy HCG diet drops

It goes without saying that the best place to buy any HCG product is the Creative Bioscience official website. There are several reasons for this like fast delivery, and 100 % money back guarantee.

Also, by ordering from the link below you will be able to get bulk discounts and you can be sure that you won't be the victim of any online scam.